Xing Yong Chi Lu Chuan - 8 Animal Kung Fu for Children and Adults ages 6 and older |
This type of martial art does not require much physical strength. By utilizing the movements of the Leopard, Crane, Dragon, Tiger, Praying Mantis, Snake, Monkey, and Eagle, the student will learn self-control and survival. Chi Lu Chuan can be as practical for women and children as it is for men; size makes no difference. We work to build self-esteem, self-confidence, coordination, and memory retention. The most important skill taught is how to escape from danger without feeling the need to defend your ego. Chi Lu Chuan highly emphasizes safety and control, and does not teach weapon techniques until the student is ready to safely learn them. Students from 6 to 60 have successfully been instructed. This traditional style class teaches rolling, falling, joint locking and throwing movements. More on Xing Yong Chi Lu Chuan 8-Animal Kung Fu | |
Wing Chun | Tai Chi Chuan |
This unique fighting style began to take root in
the late 1700s in China. It was originally developed by Ng Mui - a
Shaolin nun - and named it in honor of her greatest disciple, Yim Wing
Chun, which means "glorious springtime." After the destruction of the
Shaolin Temple, Ng Mui began adapting a new system based on Shaolin
techniques using simple, direct, and explosive attacks and counters.
Wing Chun is a simple, compact system with only 3 hand forms (empty
hand sets) and 2 weapon forms, which are the butterfly knives and the 6
1/2 point pole (8 foot staff). A Muk Jong (wooden dummy) is used
in training to strengthen, tone, and condition the arms and can also
simulate a person attacking. Wing Chun stances and punches are similar
to traditional Kung Fu. While this style prefers close quarters,
jamming and pressing the opponent's limbs,Wing Chun also uses quick,
aggressive actions to redirect the opponent's own force against him.
This is accomplished by the quick, deceptive hand movements and kicks
delivered to low, vital target areas. Many hand drills are taught,
including Chi Sao, the Art of Sticky Hands. Using the Chi (internal
energy) raising exercises called Chi-Kung, the student develops
vibrating punches which are effective from 6 inches or less. Bruce Lee
studied this style under Grandmaster Yip Man, and, with much practice,
mastered the 1 inch punch, which can be lethal. A talented novice can
acquire enough knowledge to mentally and physically defend himself well
within 1 year. Sifu Winokur trained under Master Michael Lam for
several years and was recognized as his 5th generation disciple in
2000. He has also been a disciple student and friend of one of his
mentors, Master Randy K. Li, since June of 1990 - training in Wing Chun
from 1990-1997. Sifu Winokur teaches a mixture of these two
styles. * More on Wing Chun Kung Fu |
The ancient art of Tai Chi Chuan is an amazing healing art,
based on the principles of relaxing the body, and reducing the stress
and anxiety brought about by daily living. The health effects include
strengthening the body's bone structure, toning the muscles, increasing
cardiovascular circulation, and flushing the body's lymphatic system of
toxins. The movements can enhance the body's blood circulation and
metabolism. Unlike aerobics, you do not need to raise your heart rate
to a strenuous level when performing Tai Chi Chuan. Chi Kung (energy breathing exercises) begin each class, Gim Straight Sword as taught as well. This class will benefit all adults reguardless of age, Senior Tai Chi also available, or ask us about S.O.S (Strategy for Seniors), ask us today we will help you. * If application of form is wanted see Chin Na. Sifu Winokur
began training in Tai Chi with Master Randy K. Li in April
of 1990 and has been recognized as a 6th generation
disciple in Yang Family Tai Chi. More on Yang Style Tai Chi |
White Willow | |
This style (Bai Liu) is a modern approach to kung fu. Unlike a traditional kung fu program, no rolling and falling techniques will be taught. There are hand forms not based on animal qualities, but rather the humanistic and intuitive side of our nature. The student will learn Chi Kung (energy breathing excercises) to enhance, re-vitalize, and re-charge the body, mind, and spirit. We will also work on drills to increase awareness, and sensitivity, and learn several Chinese Weapons. The application to the form will be taught for self defense. * More on White Willow |
Specialty Programs | ||
Shaolin/Chi Lu Chuan Chin Na | ||
Chin Na, when translated, means capture and hold.
This style uses knowledge of bone structure, nerves, muscle formation,
vital areas and pressure points; especially relating to the nervous
system. Chin Na uses movements of twisting locks and joint
manipulations, it also employs many holding and escaping techniques.
Chin Na is practical for self defense and is excellent for the circles
it employs instead of using strength. It is ideal for anyone who is
small in body but big in mind and spirit. * more on Chin Na |
Trapping And Intercepting | R.A.T.T. Combat Self-Defense System | |
This method concentrates on simple, direct and explosive strikes and counters by combining the best techniques from Praying Mantis, Tiger, Dragon, and Snake. These techniques and drills teach a student to control an opponent by jamming, pressing, holding, and trapping. In addition, drills are taught for sensitivity and to increase awareness. The student will work on the wooden man dummy (muk jong) for hand and arm conditioning. Weapon training (single and double Escrima sticks, and Stick/Knife fighting) is offered in this class. Adults Wednesday night-Trapping for Teens 13-19 Monday 5-6 pm. * More info | This class concentrates on no-nonsense, aggressive self-protection techniques. The word R.A.T.T. stands for Responsive Awareness Tactical Training, and we teach you how to React, Attack, Take-Down, or Throw, in an extensive 8 week session. No uniform or sashes (belts signifing rank) will be required for this class, come as you are. These specialized techniques have been taught to many Police, Sheriff, and Security Officers. This program has also been taught to corporations and businesses through seminars. The students will learn basic stick drills, some rolling and falling, and many escaping techniques. * more info on R.A.T.T. | |
Kiddie Kung-Fu | Lung Lum Pai Dragon Style Kung Fu | |
This unique program is geared for toddlers ages 4 & 5. In this class, we focus on an introduction to Animal Kung-Fu. We learn basic blocks, strikes and kicks that represent zoo animals: Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake, Dragon (lizard), and Monkey. This practical approach helps children to build self-esteem, develop gross motor skills, improve coordination and strengthen memory retention. This method highly stresses self-control and safety, which is always the number one concern. In addition, we try to teach them to spend a few minutes in quiet time to relax (meditation) to learn attention skills. Same basic rolling and tumbling is also taught. | The Lung Lum Pai Dragon Style Kung fu system originated from the area of the South China Sea. Dragon is one of the original 5 Shaolin animals. Inspired by the movements of the ferocious Komodo Dragon, it uses twisting winding movements both fast, slow, close, wide, long, and short. Dragon techniques generate tremendous circular power from the hips, chi kung (energy breathing exercises-Chi (life force), and the ground. These unusual but powerful movements are agile, deceptive, quick, as well as confusing. When it attacks or defends it blocks and strikes simultaneously. The Dragons venom is so toxic that it infects anything it bites (acupressure points/Chinese medicine) and favors a variety of joint locks/manipulations, chokes, sealing breath, as well as pressure point striking. This system of the all powerful predator also has a passive and wise nature and is widely known as the Chinese guarding Dragon; It became a symbol of the Chinese Emperors and thus all Chinese are known as the decedents of the Dragon. This style has more than 10 empty hand forms, and has 10 weapon forms. Lung Lum Pai Dragon style uses weapons that are long, short, double, or flexible. It makes use of Chinese medicine and acupressure points, chi kung (energy breathing) to both awaken, enhance, and strengthen the body as well as can be used to disrupt the organs and or meridians of an attacker. It also uses movements that are both hard and soft, standing up or on the ground. * More on LLP Dragon Style |
We also have a sparring class which hosts different ways of fighting. * Go to Kickboxing Page | |||
Shuai Chiao | Continuous | Point | San Da |
Shuai Chiao is the oldest recorded Asian fighting system, and is sometimes compared to Judo or American wrestling. The moves consist of locks, throws, take-downs, and grappling. Shuai Chiao requires technique and strategy as well as physical ability. The matches are point-based, points being awarded according to the type of throw or technique used. Both Submission and Sport styles are taught. | Continuous sparring uses timed matches, during which no breaks are called when points are scored. Compared with point sparring, it requires more skill in controlling your opponent and being able to counter-attack. This style of fighting is also more difficult to score, as the judges must be able to keep a mental count of how well each fighter is doing throughout the match. This method is the most common type we use here. | Point sparring is commonly seen in karate and many open tournaments. It is much easier to judge than continuous sparring because the fighting stops after an attack has landed, and allows for a well-regulated fight. The rules are very easy to follow, and since the fight is under more outside control, it enables the judges to apply the rules with fewer questions. | San Da, a free-form fighting style, is similar to American boxing in many ways. The main difference is that kicking is allowed, although the use of knees and elbows is not permitted. Techniques such as leg sweeps and throws are scored higher than basic kicks and punches. |
San Shou | San Shou - San Da - Shuai Chiao Combined |
San Shou is a Chinese fighting system, and is sometimes compared to Judo or American wrestling. The moves consist of throws, take-downs , leg kicks, and leg sweeps, but no ground fighting. San Shou is a free-form fighting style, similar to American kickboxing in many ways, or even Muay Thai. It uses arious punch combinations and leg kicking is allowed, as well as the use of knees and elbows is usually permitted. Techniques such as leg sweeps and throws are scored higher than basic kicks and punch combinations, San Shou techniques require, timing and strategy as well as physical ability, much different than point sparring, it requires more skill in controlling your opponent and being able to counter-attack, as well as the ability to fall properly. This style of fighting is also more difficult to score, but is exciting to watch .The judges must be able to keep a mental count of how well each fighter is doing throughout the match. No ground fighting is usually allowed, but with MMA influence many Chinese organizations are incorporating the ground techniques of Chinese Shuai Chaio(Similar to Judo-Ju Jitsu, which works well in combination with it's throws, sweeps, and takedowns. Locking joints is not yet allowed but choke submissions are now be evaulated for 2010. | Combination of all three systems above combined San Shou, San Da, and Shuai Chiao. Please read descriptions of those styles * This is a special class not required when training in Continuous Sparring Class, This is a more physically demanding, program for dedicated fighters. This class Requires an Empty Cup, patience, and control to attend, and learn this material. or email to |