NEW Missouri Location Tuesday & Thursday 7-9 pm only, New Overland Park Location Indian Creek Recreation Center 103rd & Conser, and inside at 103rd and Antioch area call us for more info Serious students inquires only please...

* Coupons and Fees for Midwest Chinese Martial Arts Center - Family, senior, multiple student, and other discounts available just ask...

Group classes for Adults $100 first month - 1 time per week (4 classes), then $110 - 2nd month, $10 each extra days in same style per month for additional classes if they are offered in the style you select (Exp - 8 Animal class (adult) meets M-Thurs eves at various times, * See Schedule for additional days/times... there are many discounts, coupons on our site, and group discounts Just Ask us

$11 0for 2 days, $120 for 3 days etc. in the same style, *** Add additional styles receive a discount, once intro level has been completed...

Our Sparring classes are an small additonanl charge if already training in another style, or $75.00 Per Month, or $20 per class ** that = 4 classes per month 1 hr long

Group classes for Kids 6 + $90 first month - 1 time per week (4 classes), Then $90 per month, $10 per month for additional classes if they are offered in your the style you select (Exp - 8 Animal kids class meets Wed 5-6pm for 11-17, and Sunday all ages -check schedule page, more classes begin June 1, 2012 -- call 816-444-4777 for additonal info on where and when classes will be held!

Private Lesson are $ 80 per hour, $40 for 1/2 hour and $20 for 15 minute private only available most days, some weekends, and by appointment only...Ask

* Lunch and Learn classses are also available on a first come first serve basis, I will come to you at work or place or your choosing, call or email for details...

Seminars and Workshops are an additional cost and subject to availability and days, usually offered weekends or some weekdays

Add additonal program(s) you will receive a discount...with Instructor permission, and must have passed intro level on one program, (Chin Na, QiGong, Specialized weapons)

*** Seminars on various weapons just call and ask the price will match the effort and level of the weapon(s) chosen...

Call for more information - South Kansas City 816-444-4777 or in Overland Park email or call the main number

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------                                                                                        VALUABLE COUPON

*** $100.00 per month 2 days per week for 1st Month Only *Normal price 2nd Month .........................***Pay 2 Month Normal price get 3rd Month FREE only with this coupon

you must print this and bring with you to one of our locations to receive this computer on-line special price only -Valid the first month only and with this coupon

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------

Spring Special 2013 Coupons - print above - Discounts good through August 31, 2013

Locations in both Missouri & Overland Park, KS call now or email us for appointment - Limited Space

Please print coupon above and bring it with you...

Master Winokur has been teaching in the KC area for more than 25 years, and has 30 + years experience

MO Tues and Thurs 7-9 pm call for appt (Kung fu 8 Animal, White Willow, Dragon, Chinese Weapons)

KS 103rd Antioch (Eby st) Mon and Wed 6-7 pm call for appt (Kung fu, Tai Chi, Chinese Weapons)

send us an email or call us 816-444-4777

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