* Stances - Blocks/Parries - Strikes - Kicks page
Midwest Chinese Martial Arts Styles & Systems
----- Horse Stance < Ma Bo - Southern> <Ma Bu - Northern> < Ma Pu - Square Horse> < Fu Ma Bo * Tiger Horse Stance>
*** Crossing Horse Stance
*** Twisting Horse (Scissors) Stance
----- Bow & Arrow Stance < Ding Bo - Southern> < Ding Bu - Northern>
*** Dragon Bow & Arrow <Lung Ding Bo>
----- Cat Stance < Fu Bo - Southern> < Hu Bu - Northern>
----- Praying Mantis 7 Star Stance < Tang Lang Chat Bo - Northern>
----- Crane Stance < Hok Bo - Southern> < Hok Bu - Northern>
*** High Crane Stance
*** Low Crane Stance
----- Snake Stance < Shi Bo - Southern> < Shi Bu - Northern>
*** White Snake Stance < Bok Shi Bo>
----- Low Monkey Stance < Hou Chuan Bo - Southern> < Hou Chuan Bu - Northern>
*** Squatting Monkey Stance
*** Worshiping Monkey Stance
----- Eagle Stance < Ying Jow Bo - Southern> < Ying Jow Bu - Northern>
*** Flying Eagle Stance
Midwest Chinese Martial Arts Styles & Systems
----- Hold the Tea Cup <Chun Sau>
----- Spill the Cup <Gum Sau>
----- Slap Parry <Pok Sau>
----- Slap Parry/T-Cup <Huan Sau>
-----Wing Arm Parry <Bong Sau>
-----Wing Arm Parry/ Trap <Lop Sau>
----- 45 Degree Tiger Hand Parry <Fu Wu Sau>
-----Double Tiger Claw Block <Fu Huan Sau>
-----Snake Hand Parry <Shi Shou Sau>
-----Hook Hand Parry < Fook Sau>
Midwest Chinese Martial Arts Styles & Systems
-----2 Horn Ram Head Punch
-----Straight Punch <Sunfist>
-----Upside Down Palms <High, Middle, Low, Palms>
-----Hooking Palm
-----Knife-Chop Hand
-----Ridge Hand (thumb side)
-----Back Hand
-----Back Fist
***** Animal Hand Strikes
-----Tiger Claw
-----Snake Strike
-----Crane's Head
-----Crane's Beak
-----Hook Punch
-----Double Dragon's Palm
-----Tiger Paw
-----Spear Hand
-----Snake Fist
-----Leapard Fist Punch
-----Pheonix Eye Punch
-----Dragon's Head Punch
-----Crane Wing
-----Bear's Paw
Midwest Chinese Martial Arts Styles & Systems
-----Front Crane Kick (top of foot)
-----Front Heel Kick (heel of foot)
-----Round Kick (top of foot)
-----Dragon Side Kick (blade & bottom of foot)
-----Tiger's Back Kick (heel of foot)
-----Crane Cresent
-----Low Round/High Round Kick
-----Round - Back w/snake strike
-----White Lotus
-----Round - Wheel
-----Double Front (bicycle kick)
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All material printed here is for information purposes only, Midwest Chinese Martial Arts Center and Scott Winokur are not responsible for injuries, or the Mis-Use of this information, or any other material on this website
No portion may be duplicated, copied, or reprinted without express written permission of
Master Winokur and MCMAC HQ School
copyright 2009 All rights Reserved