* Other Styles and Systems
History of Hung Gar Tiger-Crane Style Kung Fu
Hei-Kwun was originally named Jyu and was a tea merchant. He escaped to the Southern Fujian (Fukien) Shaolin (Sil Lum) Temple after he had argument with a few upper class Manchurians during the Qing Dynasty when the Manchus were in control. Abott Jee Sin accepted him into the temple and soon found out how talented and hardworking he was in Southern Shaolin (Sil Lum) Temple Kung Fu. Jee Sin was impressed by these qualities and soon began to teach Hung the Tiger style that he specialized in. After six years he became number one of the top ten of the laymen followers (they were people who went to the temple to learn only kung fu and not religion). However, afterwards the Qing government destroyed the temple because the temple gave refuge to many rebels who wanted to restore the Ming Dynasty. Hung escaped and during his wanderings he met Fong Wing Chun (not Yim Wing Chun of the Wing Chun Style) and found out that her father Fong Sai Yuk (kung fu brother of Hung) was killed by the same person who killed his mentor, Jee Sin. So Fong Wing Chun taught him her crane style to balance out his hard tiger techniques with the evasiness of her crane techniques. Hung then avenged Jee Sin and Fong Sai Yuk by finally destroying the murderer (Bak Mai according to some sources). Hung and Fong Wing Chun soon fell in love and they were soon married. Hung then opened a martial arts school when the banning of martial arts was lifted in China. He called it Hung Gar Kuen in honor of the First emperor of the last true Chinese (Ming) Dynasty and to protect his disciples from harm from the Manchus because the Shaolin arts were still banned. His style soon was ranked the best of the five major family styles in the Province of Kwangtung it was also recorded that he died at the age of 182.(probably a myth, there are many similar myths about other famous masters regarding their longevity, like Cheng San Feng. Many Masters today teach many variations of Hung Gar or Hung Ga style Shaolin Kung fu in the USA that Hei Kwun original system has survived to this day, as one of the most popular Kung Fu systems of the 21st century.
* Sifu Winokur has learned several forms of the Hung Gar System including: Lau Gar Kuen, Heart Pounding Palm, Gung Gee Fook fu (Tame the Tiger), Wu Dip Kuen (Butterfly Palm), Fu Hok Kuen (Tiger-Crane), Wu Hsing Kuen (5 Animal form), and 5 Element form - There are more forms that follow, but they were not passed to me while training with my friend, a one time student of Master David Lee.
Other Southern Long-Arm Kung Fu History Related to Hung Gar Kung Fu * and to 8-Animal Style Kung fu (both Southern & Northern forms)
Famous Hung Gar Master Jow Hung, passed his version of Hung Gar Tiger-Crane Style Kung Fu to his nephew Jow Lung. Jow Lung is said to be the one who later founded Jow Ga Style Kung Fu. Jow Ga Style Kung Fu infused Hung Gar Style with Northern Shaolin Temple Kung Fu, with sprinkling’s from other Southern Long Arm kung fu styles such as Choy Li Fu (more Southern), and or Choy La Fut (more Northern). It also makes use of several of the Chinese Long, Short, Double, Single, and Flexible Weapons arsenal of Shaolin Kung Fu Weapons. Both styles are still taught today in the United States as many Masters have moved here and established schools teaching their unique arts. Another off shoot is Shaolin Hung Fut style kung fu, Hung Gar with Northern Shaolin, with Fut Ga (Monk Hand Style). A Southern Long arm style as the others Hung Gar, Choy Li and Lay Fut, Hung Fut, and Jow Ga, all can trace their roots back to Southern Shaolin (Sil Lum) Fukien Temple in Kwantang Province. The 8 Animal Style has similar roots to these styles and systems, but also has roots to the 2nd Southern Shaolin (Sil Lum) Temple Guantong Temple in Canton, China in the Kwantang Province.
Yi Tao Gung Fu - The Way of Least Resistance
I have only learned a handful of forms from Shaolin Yi Tao Gung Fu, this modern unique system created by Kansas University Professor Si Jo Robert Sprackland. A mostly Southern Long Arm system, but has Short range Wing Chun, drills, parries, and Nothern Praying Mantis trapping, sticking techniques and uses the economy of movement principles. Sifu Winokur learned this system in the early 80's directly from Si Jo Spackland, as well as several other instructors, and a few friends who also trained in this style.
More styles/history coming soon - under construction...