Try Fans Chinese Tea & Dumpling Restaurant - Some of the best Chinese food we have had in KC
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Upcoming Events
Please Support these Events
21st Great Lakes Kung Fu Championship - Cleveland, OH Hosted by John Ervin Event for Chinese Martial Arts styles
SaturdayApril 27, 2013 ---21st Great Lakes Kung Fu Championship - All Chinese Styles Only
Spring classes 2012 in Overland Park & MO - Now Forming Adults & Kids 7 + Limited Space - contact us NOW
Private Lessons adults only - for Serious Students in all Styles and weapons we offer just call and ASK...
call our main number for info 816-444-4777 or to set up a free consultation- Spring/Summer classes now forming in both or email NOW!
Want to read my blog click on the icons ******
Previous Events
Gateway Chinese Martial Art Championships - Chinese Martial Art Styles Only ICMAC Presents 2013 Event held in St. Louis
Event for Chinese Martial Arts styles
SaturdayApril 6, 2013 ---2nd Annual Gateway Chinese Martial Art Championships - St. Louis, MO
Renshi Pam Johansen Presents 2013 Annual Event St. Jude Children's Hospital Benefit Tournament Open Event for all Martial Arts styles
Saturday March 30, 2013 ---St. Jude Children's Hospital Benefit Karate Tournament
Use our Coupon on School page for the HOLIDAYS Give the gift of self defense (gift certificates available call or email
Want to read my blog click on the icons ******
Winter classes in Overland Park - Now Forming Adults & Kdis 7 + contact us NOW (pictures from summer classes)
Use our Coupon on School page for the HOLIDAYS Give the gift of self defense (gift certificates available call or email
Want to read my blog click on the icons ******
New Overland Park Location - Call or Email for Appointment
Some picture from our new location in Overland Park - We have Moved inside in August 2010 and we are now at 103rd & Antioch area
Monday & Wednesday * kids 5-6 pm & Adults 6-7 pm in Overland Park ( Adults may choose the style the wish to learn Shaolin 8 Animal Kung fu ,Xing Yong White Willow kung fu, Wing Chun, or Tai Chi are the adult programs available
Missouri Classes are Tues & Thurs 7-9 pm
call our main number for info 816-444-4777 or to set up a free consultation- Winter classes now forming in both or email NOW
Master Scott Winokur & USAXCMA Presents 2011 Annual New Year Dinner
Saturday February 5, 2011 ---Annual Chinese New Year Dinner - Year of Rabbit Hosted by USAXCMA
Master Wells Bridges Annual Karate Spectacular Martial Arts Tournament-Open to all styles Presents 2010 30th Annual Event held in Topeka, Kansas
Open Event for all Martial Arts styles
Saturday December 4, 2010 ---30th Karate Spectacular Hosted by Master Wells Bridges- Topeka, KS
Master Ray Hildreth's Annual National Chinese Martial Arts Tournament-Open to all styles Presents 2010 20th Tulsa Chinese Martial Arts Open National Event
Open Event for all Martial Arts styles San Shou fights call Ray Hildreth 918-664-8202 for additional info or if you are interested in fighting...
Saturday September 18, 2010 ---Ray Hildreth's 20th Chinese Martial Arts Open - Tulsa, Oklahoma
AAU National Chinese Martial Arts Tournament Presents 2010 National Championship Event
Event for all Chinese Martial Arts styles
Saturday August 14, 2010 ---AAU Nationals Chinese Martial Arts - St.Louis, Missouri
MASSL-MidAmerica San Shou League July 10, 2010 in Tulsa,OK
Open to all Martial Arts Styles
Saturday July 10, 2010 --- San Shou Summer Challenge -- Tulsa, Oklahoma
Master Scott Winokur, MCMAC Instructors, and Asst's Present Free Self Defense Workshop for Ward Parkway Plaza Neighborhood Assocation
Event for all Neighbors of WPPNA
Wednesday April 7, 2010 -- Free Self Defense Workshop - Waldo Area Kansas City, MO
Sifu John Ervin & USSA (United States Shaui Chiao Association Presents 2010 Great Lakes All Chinese Martial Arts Tournament
Event for all Chinese Martial Arts styles
Saturday April 24, 2010 -- Great Lakes Kung fu Championships - Cleveland, Ohio
Master Nick Scrima & ICMAC Presents 2010 ICMAC Championship All Chinese Martial Arts Styles Tournament - Orlando, Florida
Event for all Chinese Martial Arts styles
Friday - Sunday May 28-30 2010 -- ICMAC Championship Tournament - Orlando, Florida
Renshi Pam Johansen
Presents 2010 Annual Event MidAmerica Karate Academy Tournament Open Event for all Martial Arts styles
Saturday March 20, 2010 ---Mid America Karate Academy Tournament
Master Dan Kennedy & USKK Presents 2010 Sweetheart Tournament Open Event for all Martial Arts styles
Saturday Febrauary 13, 2010 ---Annual Sweetheart Tournament
2010 Chinese New Year Dinner
Ask your instructor for location and time
Saturday February 20, 2010 ---Annual Chinese New Year Dinner
2010 11th Annual KC Challenge
Open to all styles and systems of Martial Arts
Sunday February 21, 2010 ---11th Annual KC Challenge Tournament
MASSL-MidAmerica San Shou League Presents 2010 Opener- Tulsa,OK
Open to all Martial Arts Styles
Saturday Febrauary 27, 2010 --- San Shou Fighting Event
2010 Winter Warm-Up Program Sunday January 10, 2010 Jewish Community Center of Kansas City Overland Park, Kansas Campus Our Demo Team at this event
Sunday January 10, 2010 ---JCC Winter Warm-Up Program
Master Wells Bridges Presents the 29th Annual Karate Spectacular Student OpenTournament Brown Belt and Below only Open to all Martial Arts Styles
Saturday December 5, 2009 - Topeka, Kansas
Shaolin Warrior Monks Held at Johnson County Community College
Shaolin Monks on Plum Poles in various animal kung fu postures
November 20-21, 2009 - Shaolin Kung fu Warriors Preform
Hanshi Dan Kennedy and United States Kenpo Kobujitsu Presents Annual Elite Fall Tournament
Saturday September 26, 2009 - Lenexa, Kansas
Free Women's Self Defense Seminar Call to enroll Now.... 816-444-4777 with the number of participants from your group ........ Limited Space RSVP Today * Learn basic escapes from several situations, learn to control opponent, vital area's to attack, how to find and use basic tools as Defense items, and learn practical No-strength Self Defense Techniques from Shaolin Animal Kung Fu These techiniques, drills, escapes, vital area attacks, etc have been taught to many Law Enforcement, Secuity, Sheriff, as well as to Military Police...... Dont Be a Victim ........... .....Learn to Defend yourself Today |
Saturday October, 2009 (12 - 2 PM) Trailside Community Center (south east corner of 99th and Holmes Rd) Limited space is available for this event. - Open to women/girls 14 & Up
816-444-4777 or email to
These techniques use very little or No-Strength to apply - Seniors Welcome... We offer practical Self Defense Seminar's either FREE, or at a low cost,.................................................................................... .Call us and we will come to your business, small or large groups, .............................................................................................. .See who we have taught Womens Defense Tactics - click here |
State Games of America
Saturday August 1, 2009 - Colorado Springs, Colorado
Master Jimmy Wong & USA Chin Woo Federation Present 1st Annual Legends of Kung Fu Formerly Taiji Legacy... For all Chinese Systems and Styles
Friday -Sunday July 17-19, 2009 - Dallas, Texas
Sunflower State Games 2009
Sunflower State Games - Saturday July 18, 2009 Christ the King Church Gymnasim * Must be a Kansas Resident for at least 30 days prior to event (June 18) And prove it with Kansas Drivers license or Birth Certificate from Kansas * * 9-10:30 am check in, Event Begins at 10:30 am $ 25 per person - includes 5 Events, Traditional and Free Style Forms & Weapons, Sparring Divisions DEADLINE for Registation is Friday July 10, 2009, after add $5 late fee read information form click here Pre-Register at {} All Athlete Competitors receive FREE T-Shirt and tote bag For more info contact Tony Mielenz Commissioner 785-554-4220, or 785-235-2295 email to or Results: We had no competitors at this years event... |
Master Raymond Wong & Wong People Present 3rd Annual Wong People III Competition
For all Chinese Systems and Styles
Sunday June 28, 2009 - Washington, DC
Master Sam Price & Hutchinson Karate Present Sam's Summer Tournament * For all Systems and Styles of martial arts * Must wear Karate or Kungfu Uniform to compete
Saturday June 27, 2009 - Inman, Kansas
Ray Hildreth Presents Summer San Shou Matches |
Saturday June 13,2009 - 6pm first bell Hicks Park Recreation Center Cancelled - re-scheduled for September 09 $65 per fighter pre-registered by May 20, 2009, $100 after 5-20-09 918-664-8202 or email Admission $15, and $25 seats available call for more information |
Free Women's Self Defense Seminar Call to enroll Now.... 816-444-4777 with the number of participants from your group ........ Limited Space RSVP Today * Learn basic escapes from several situations, learn to control opponent, vital area's to attack, how to find and use basic tools as Defense items, and learn practical No-strength Self Defense Techniques from Shaolin Animal Kung Fu These techiniques, drills, escapes, vital area attacks, etc have been taught to many Law Enforcement, Secuity, Sheriff, as well as to Military Police...... Dont Be a Victim ........... .....Learn to Defend yourself Today |
Saturday May 16, 2009 (12 - 2 PM) Trailside Community Center (south east corner of 99th and Holmes Rd) Limited space is available for this event. - Open to women/girls 14 & Up click here to see pictures from May 16 Seminar (pictures available soon) 816-444-4777 or email to These techniques use very little or No-Strength to apply - Seniors Welcome... We offer practical Self Defense Seminar's either FREE, or at a low cost,.................................................................................... .Call us and we will come to your business, small or large groups, .............................................................................................. .See who we have taught Womens Defense Tactics - click here |
Master Mark Bundy & Jeff Speakman's Kenpo 5.0 Presents 2nd Annual Crossroads Karate Championships Open to all Systems and Styles
Saturday April 25, 2009
Si Gung Scott Winokur & USA Xing Yong Chinese Martial Arts Assoc Presents 8th Annual Golden Dragon Classsic Tournament & Workshops
Open to all Systems and Styles of Martial Arts - Call for more info Master's Demonstration opens event 10 am ** Instructors interested in Judging, teaching a Workshop, Presenting a Short Demo, or have students who wish to compete, contact us ASAP at 816-444-4777 or send email to
Saturday March 28, 2009 - Workshops TBA
8 th Golden Dragon Classic - March 28, 2009
The Official Pizza of the 8th Golden Dragon Classic
8017 Stateline Rd
816-886-9595 or
Hanshi Dan Kennedy Presents Annual Sweetheart Tournament
Saturday February 14, 2009
Dana Visonhaler --- Tournament Presents 1st Annual Guts and Glory Open |
Saturday January 31, 2009
Gong Shih Fa Cai -Happy New Year Chinese New Year - Earth Ox January 26, 2009 - Chinese Year 4707 |
Saturday Night January 24, 2009 - 6:00 pm to sit, Dinner Served @ 6:30 PM
Mark Long Presents 28th Annual Winter Kick Out Tournament
Saturday December 6, 2008
Dana Visonhaler Presents 1st Annual Kendo Tournament Chanbara-Padded Sword fighting |
Friday November 14, 2008
Ray Hildreth - Presents 18th Annual Tulsa Chinese Open |
Saturday September 13, 2008
Jill Leiker's Midwest Open
Saturday August 23, 2008
Free Women's Self Defense Seminar |
Saturday October 18, 2008 (12 - 2 PM) Headquarters School Limited space is available for this event. 816-444-4777
Free Women's Self Defense Seminar |
Saturday June 7, 2008 (12 - 2 PM) Headquarters School Limited space is available for this event. 816-444-4777
Ray Hildreth - presents Chinese San Shou Full Contact Matches |
Saturday June 28, 2008
19th Anniversary Invitational Tournament |
October 4, 2008
See Masters and School demo's Games and "original" vintage school T-shirts will be
Crossroads Karate Tournament
Saturday April 26th, 2008 1 Competitor - 2 Trophies Awarded
MidAmerica Karate Academy Tournament![]() |
Saturday March 29, 2008 Hoyt, Kansas5 Competitors - 7 Trophies Awarded
18th Anniversary Invitational Tournament |
October 4th, 2007 at 10 am (Seminars - Saturday: $20 each)
See Masters and School demo's
Master Winokur - Chin Na, pressure points for healing and self defense. Master Marlon Bankston - Kali Stick and Knife Fighting.
2007 Golden Dragon Classic Tournament |
March 24th, 2007 Results
Most Supportive Competitors (day of event) Most Supportive School (Spectators day of event) (more results to come)
26th Annual Karate Spectacular - Topeka, Kansas
December 2nd, 2006 Achievements Out of 7 Competitors from the school, 8 trophies were awarded! No names listed this listing is still under construction... check back
Free Women's Self Defense Seminar
October 21, 2006
To see more pictures from our FREE Women's Self Defense Seminars, click here!
Ray Hildreth's 16th Annual Tulsa Chinese Martial Arts Open
June 10th, 2006 Achievements
Too many to list, Outstanding Job this year! students, families, friends who made the trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma...