* More Info on Healing and Acupuncture
Chart on Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Wood Element ----- Fire Element ----- Earth Element ----- Metal Element ----- Water Element
Yin aspect - Solid ----- -LV organ --------- HT organ --------- SP organ --------------LU organ ---------- BL organ
Yang aspect -Hollow - GB organ ---------- SI organ ----------- ST organ ------------ LI organ ------------ KI organ
-- Season of year ------ Spring -------------- Summer --------- Mid- Summer --------- Autumn ------------- Winter
Climate condition -----Wind ------------------ Heat --------------- Dampness ------------ Dryness --------------- Cold
Color of Element ---- Green ------------------ Red ----------------- Yellow --------------- White --------------- Blue or Black
Taste condition -------- Sour ------------------ Bitter ---------------- Sweet ---------------- Pungent --------------- Salty
Smell condition ------- Rancid --------------- Burning -------------- Fragrant -------------- Fleshy -------------- Rotten
Body connection ------ Eyes ------------------- Tongue ------------- Mouth/Lips ------------- Nose ------------------ Ears
Body Tissue ----------- Muscles ------------Blood Vessels ----------- Flesh ---------------- Skin/Hair -------------- Bones
Emotions -------------- Anger -------------------Happy ---------------- Worry ------------------Grief ------------------- Fear
Cardinal Dirctions ---- East ------------------- South -----------------Centre ------------------ West ------------------ North
Human Sounds -------- Shout --------------- Laugh ----------------- Singing ---------------- Crying ----------------- Groaning
Fluid Secretion -------- Tears -----------------Sweat ------------------- Saliva ------------------ Mucus ------------------- Urine
Fruits -------------------- Peach --------------- Plum ------------------- Apricot ---------------- Chestnuts ------------- Dates/Figs
Whole Grains ---------- Wheat --------------- Rye -------------------- Millet -------------------- Rice ----------------- Bran flakes
Meats ------------------- Chicken ---------- Lamb -------------------- Beef ---------------------- Horse ----------------- Pork
Planet ------------------- Jupiter ------------ Mars ------------------ Saturn --------------------- Venus --------------- Mercury
Psychic sense --------- Spirit ------------- Conscious --------------- Ideas ------------------- Animal Spirit -------- Will/Ambition
Strain on Body ------ eyes ---------------- Walking ----------------- Sitting ------------------ Lying Down ----------- Standing
Dynamic energy ----- Blood ----------- Psychic Energy -------- Physical Energy -------- Vital Energy ---------- Will Power
Chi Energy Action -Explode/Implode - Rising Explosion ----- Circular ---------------- Spliting ---------------- Curving
KO - Creative Cycle of Energy -
Wood grows, burns and creates Fire
Fire Burns to create Earth
Earth is transformed to create Metal
Metal heats and melts to create Water
Sheng - Destructive Cycle of Energy
Wood Destroys Earth by covering it
Earth Destroys Water by damming it
Water Destroys Fire by extinguishing it
Fire Destroys Metal by heating and melting it
Metal Destroys Wood by cutting it
Organ Energy Times
7-9 am ST - 9-11 am SP
11-1 pm HT - 1-3 pm SI
3-5 pm BL - 5-7 pm KI
7-9 pm PC - 9-11 pm TH
11-1 am GB - 1-3 am LV
3-5 am LU - 5-7 am LI
Before attempting to use pressure points for any reason, please seek guidance from a knowledgeable professional, or Master of Martial Arts who has been taught this information, It is dangerous to attempt to use pressure points, for martial arts or healing, Midwest Chinese Martial Arts Center advises again to seek out and find a qualified professional, please do not experiment with pressure points it is dangerous, and could result in damage to yourself or others, Please be advised.
Chinese Martial Arts also makes use of, and teaches how to properly use Herbs for all types of remedies and for many aliments, as well as knowledge of Dit Da Jou (Jow) herbal healing cold linament for bruises, strains, and more...Herbs, roots, plants, and bark are used to make tea's, tictures, soups, and others for healing the body, mind, and spirit. (more to come - still under construction)
All material printed here is for information purposes only, Midwest Chinese Martial Arts Center and Scott Winokur are not responsible for the Mis-Use of this information, or any other material on this website
No Portion of this material may be copied or duplicated without the express written permission of Master Winokur and MCMAC Headquarters School
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